Executive coaching
Are you longing to have greater clarity in your life and work? Are you feeling blocked and impatient with fire-fighting and sweating the small stuff? Do you feel out of control of events? Are you ready to stop picking at what no longer works because you know these times call for more profound change?
What if you knew that everything you need is within your reach? No more being pulled around. What if you could discover the tranquillity to leave your old story behind and let your new story, the one that truly wants to be told, emerge?
Change is at the heart of every coaching engagement. It may be that you are:
- feeling the need for something to change, but are unclear what, or in what direction, or how to get there
- working through a change, and dealing with the fear, uncertainty and doubt that it generates
- struggling with a change that has already happened, and learning to navigate in the changed space
As your coach, I work with you to navigate that change safely and with confidence. I help you shift your stories about yourself, other people and life itself to create new possibilities and new results.
Working with leaders, executives and professionals
Coaching is particularly valuable to senior executives – it makes the most effective use of their time and focuses directly on their needs. It is a one to one relationship that provides:
- a sounding board or critical friend for exploring ideas and options
- a strategist to help figure out how to tackle tricky issues
- a reflector to help you see clearly how things are working and the implications of changes
- a safe space for experimenting with new ways of approaching things
- a supporter to help you anchor the changes, and refine your approaches to achieve greatest effect
Working with teams
I work with a team, usually as individuals and collectively, to comprehend the team’s perspective, resolve issues and increase their effectiveness. For example:
- resolving the causes of team ineffectiveness, such as lack of trust between team members, lack of clarity about roles, turf issues
- helping newly formed teams through their growing pains
- supporting teams through major transitions to refocus and realign roles
- encouraging teams who have lost direction to reinvent themselves and align around their strategy
- integrating teams to establish a new joint identity and sense of purpose
Working with private clients
As a private coach, I am employed directly by my client rather than by their employer. Our coaching may still focus on my client’s career or work situation and working relationships (though it is not limited to these areas). However private coaching establishes a relationship that is entirely independent, and is isolated from any possible organisational agendas and pressures.
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