Amazing things people have said
Just so I don’t lose track of them, here is a random selection of some of the amazing things people have said so far at this year’s TED conference.
Jill Tarter, TED Prize winner and searcher for extra-terrestrial intelligence said:
The ascent of man has to go – it’s a sense of privilege the natural universe doesn’t share
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographer of the world from the air, and cataloguer of our impact on the earth, said:
It’s too late to be pessimistic
Bonnie Bassler, molecular biologist and ace communicator of bacterial communication processes said:
We have 10 times more bacterial cells in us and on us than human cells – we are 10% human and 90% bacterial
Golan Levin, audio-visual artist and software engineer, and creator of the amazing double-taker, said:
The (computer) mouse is probably the narrowest straw you can try and suck human expression through
Elizabeth Gilbert, the writer, about whom I have already blogged, said:
We have somehow accepted the assumption that creativity and suffering are necessarily linked